Trachusa (Archianthidium) pubescens (Morawitz, 1872)
Body form |
Megachiliform |
Flight period |
June |
July |
August |
April |
May |
Flowers visited |
Fabaceae |
Lamiaceae |
Plantaginaceae |
Acanthaceae |
Asteraceae |
Dipsacaceae |
Habitat types |
Sclerophyllous scrub |
Natural and semi-natural grasslands |
Forests and woodlands |
Lectic status (Cane & Sipes) |
Mesolectic |
Lectic status (Müller & Kuhlmann) |
Oligolectic |
Lectic status (Robertson) |
Oligolectic |
Mode of pollen transport |
Underside of abdomen |
Pollen moisture |
Dry |
Preferred plant family |
Lamiaceae |
Sociality |
Solitary |
Tongue length |
Long |
Voltinism |
Univoltine |