Trachusa (Archianthidium) pubescens (Morawitz, 1872)

Oligolectic. Müller (1996) states that the species is oligolectic on Lamioidea (Lamiaceae).

Banaszak & Romasenko (1998) and Stanisavljević (2000) list Asteraceae and Fabaceae as forage sources.

Pollen analysis (Müller, 1996) revealed the following pollen sources:Lamiaceae, and traces of Fabaceae, Acanthaceae, Asteraceae (Cardueae)

Literature records (summarised in Kasparek, 2017) show visitation to Onobrychis viciifolia, Genista (Fabaceae); Stachys germanica, Phlomis chrysophylla, Phlomis viscosa, Phlomis grandiflora, Phlomis nissolii (Lamiaceae); Scabiosa ohrodeuca (Dipsacaceae); Digitalis paliurus (Plantaginaceae)