Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) villosulum (Kirby, 1802)

A univoltine or bivoltine species with an extended flight period. Females from mid April to late October (occasionally early November), males from early July to mid October.
Univoltine of bivoltine. The species is bivoltine in Paris (Plateaux-Quénu, Plateaux & Packer, 1989) and this situation may occur in the British Isles.

Label data from Spanish specimens shows that females are active from February to October, and males from June to October (Ortiz-Sanchez & Pauly, 2017). Balzan et al (2017) report females active in April in Malta. Mavromoustakis (1954) reports activity of females in February

Parasites In Ireland, large females of Sphecodes geoffrellus [S. affinis] have been noted near the burrows of this bee (Stelfox, 1927).

Bischoff (1927) lists Sphecodes puncticeps as a cleptoparasite of this species on the Continent and Westrich (1989) and Söderman & Leinonen (2003) add Nomada distinguenda.

The Halictid bee Sphecodes villosulus Schwarz 2010, described from UAE, is considered very probably to be a cleptoparasite of L. villosulum.

Stubbs (2001) citing Verral, suggests that the bee-fly Bombylius canescens may be an inquiline in nests of this species.