Lasioglossum (Lasioglossum) prasinum (Smith, 1848)

Univoltine with an extended flight period. Females are found from late April to August (exceptionally September and early October), males from early August to the end of September; G.M. Spooner (pers. comm.) collected a male in mid May.

Label data from a few Spanish specimens shows that females are active from (at least) March to June. (Ortiz-Sanchez & Pauly, 2017)

Parasites: G.R. Else (pers comm.) found female Sphecodes reticulatus on several occasions flying in the vicinity of the nesting burrows of L. prasinum. Morice (1910) and Alfken (1913) cite this Sphecodes as a cleptoparasite of the species; E. Saunders (1896a) was also inclined to think it associated with it. Nevertheless, positive proof rather than speculation, is still awaited.