Lasioglossum (Leuchalictus) leucozonium Schrank, 1781

Univoltine, with an extended flight period. Females from May (rarely April) to mid October, males from July to mid October.

Label data from Spanish specimens shows that females are active from March to September and the and males from June to August (Ortiz-Sanchez & Pauly, 2017).

In Cyprus, the females are active from February to October (Mavromoustakis, 1948; 1951; 1954)

Parasites and predators Sphecodes pellucidus has been listed as a cleptoparasite of the species (Morice, 1901; Butterfield & Fordham, 1932). S. ephippius has been seen at, and entering burrows of, this bee (R.C.L. Perkins, 1923; Hallett, 1928).