Lithurgus chrysurus Fonscolombe, 1834

A univoltine species, flying in summer, from June to August (Stanisavljević, 2000). Mavromoustakis (1948) reports aduly activity in July in Cyprus. Ortiz-Sanchez et al. (2012) give a flight period in Spain from May to September

Parasite: The bee Stelis punctulatissima is cited as a cleptoparasite of this species by Banaszak & Romasenko (1998). Grace, (2010) cites Stelis simillima as a cleptoparasite of this species. Stelis simillima is also cited as a cleptoparasite Lithurgus chrysurus by Noskiewicz (1923) and this is probably Grace's primary source.

Succession: Vacated nest burrows of this species have been found occupied by nests of: Osmia rufa, O. cornuta, O. fulviventris, Hoplitis adunca, Megachile sp., Ancistrocerus sp. and Dioxys tridentata