Lasioglossum (Sphecodogastra) laticeps (Schenck, 1870)

A univoltine species with an extended flight period. Females fly from mid April to the end of September; males from early July to late September. Mavromoustakis (1951; 1953) reports this species (as Halictus hellenicus) flying in February, March, April and May in Cyprus

Parasites and predators Packer (1983) observed female Sphecodes ephippius flying low over a nesting aggregation of Lasioglossum laticeps, and he dug out a female of this cleptoparasite from a nest. He also discovered larvae of the conopid fly genus Thecophora in the gasters of 10% of workers collected in August. Many individuals of a race of small Sphecodes monilicornis have been found flying over a nesting aggregation of L. laticeps (pers. obs.), and it is possible that the
latter is also a cleptoparasite of this species.

Sphecodes ferruginatus is also cited as a possible cleptoparasite of this species (Westrich, 1989)