Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) brevicorne (Schenck, 1870)

Univoltine, but with an extended flight period. Females from the beginning of May to early August, males from late July to at least mid August. In Switzerland, the females persist into early October (Amiet et al., 2001).

Label data from a few Spanish specimens show that females are active from (at least) April to August (Ortiz-Sanchez & Pauly, 2017)

Parasites and predators No parasites are known in Britain, however, Von Grandi (1931) and Stoeckhert (1933) state the possibility of Sphecodes puncticeps being a parasite of this species.

The single West Sussex record of this species was a male recovered as a prey item from a provisioned cell of the sphecid wasp Cerceris rybyensis (J.P. Field, pers. comm.).