Amegilla (Amegilla) quadrifasciata (de Villers, 1789)

In many parts of its range this is clearly a univoltine species flying from May to August, but the well marked colour form found on Madeira island will fly throughout the year and is certainly multivoltine on that island (Fellendorf et al., 1999)

Mavromoustakis (1948, 1952) reports activity from May to November in Cyprus, and S. Roberts (2016, pers. obs) has found seen the species flying in late October

Conservation: The species was found at several localities in Poland: in the Wielkopolska, Mazowsze and Silesia lowlands, Sandomierz Basin and Lublin Upland. For over 25 years its occurrence has not been confirmed in these places; however, it is possible that the species has survived somewhere in the country, in isolated localities. A strong decline in the Amegilla quadrifasciata population was caused by developing agriculture, afforestation of abandoned agrcultural land, and intensifying urbanization.