Andrena (Micrandrena) subopaca NYLANDER, 1848

Generally a univoltine species, although in Crimea, it may have two generations per year (beginning in April) whereas in other regions of Ukraine it is predominantly found from May to June and only has one generation: Flying from late March (Amiet, 2010) or April to June (Tomozei & Radchenko, 2015 ). There are, however, several authentic records from mid July to mid August (in Devon, G.M. Spooner collected an individual in early September) and these may refer to a partial second brood.

Dardón Peralta (2010) states it is a [partially] bivoltine species with a main flight period from April to June and in July. The summer generation is considered very rare.

Parasites: The bee Nomada flavoguttata is cited as a cleptoparasite of this species (Kirby, 1802; Kocourek, 1966; Osytshnjuk, 1977; Söderman & Leinonen, 2003; Amiet, 2010)