Megachile (Chalicodoma) parietina Geoffroy, 1785

A univoltine species, flying in the Spring and early Summer; from April (occasionally late March in the south) to July (Stanisavljević, 2000). Ortiz-Sanchez et al. (2012) give a flight period in Iberia from March to August with the later flight times restricted to populations at hilger altitudes.

Parasites: The bees Stelis nasuta, Stelis punctulatissima, Dioxys cincta and Dioxoides tridentata (Megachilinae) are all cited as cleptoparasites of this species. Other parasites include Chrysis simplex, Chrysis sexdentata, Stilbum cyanurum, Stilbum caleus (Chrysididae); Leucospis dorsigera (Leucospidae); Monodontomerus nitidus (Torymidae)(Banaszak & Romasenko, 1989).

Conservation: The only colony of Chalicodoma parietina in Poland, though protected in a nature reserve, was extinct in Silesia in the early 1980s. Studies that have systematically been carried out since the mid 1990s have confirmed the occurrence of this hymenopteran neither in the formerly existing locality nor in other places in Poland. The extinction of the known population was caused by application of agrotechnical measures in the surroundings of the colony, as well as by afforestation and destruction of places of the occurrence of this species. Collection of individuals by entomologists-amateurs also contributed to the decline.