Andrena (Chlorandrena) humilis IMHOFF, 1832

A univoltine species: mid May to late June, occasionally mid July. Kocourek (1966) also reports that the species has but a single brood in Czechoslovakia. However, Dylewska (1987) states that in northern and central Europe the species is bivoltine, but the months when each these broods is active are not given. In the mountains of Eastern Europe it flies from June to mid August.

In Thessaly (Greece) Standfuss et al. (2011) report flight activity From March to June

The species has declined to the point of extinction in Finland (Söderman & Leinonen, 2003).

Parasites: Nomada integra is a well known cleptoparasite of this species. Also cited are Nomada facilis and N. femoralis (Söderman & Leinonen, 2003). Dylewska (1987) citing Kocourek, (1966) lists Nomada stigma, N. trispinosa and N. facilis as cleptoparasites.