Trachusa (Trachusa) byssina (Panzer, 1798)

A univoltine species. The males from mid-May to the end of August, and the females fly into early September (Kasparek, 2017). In Germany, Westrich (1989) reports that the flight season is from early June to mid-August and that males appear a few days prior to females.

Stanisavljević (2000) reports a flight period of June to August.

Westrich (1989) cites Coelioxys quadridentata and suggests that Aglaoapis tridentata may also be a cleptoparasite of this species (Scheuchl & Willner 2016). Amiet et al.(2004) also list the bee Coelioxys conica as a cleptoparasite of this species (all cited in Kasparek, 2017).