Andrena (Trachandrena) haemorrhoa (FABRICIUS, 1781)

A univoltine species: mid March to June. Females are sometimes found in July, exceptionally early August. In the Carpathian Mountains specimens have been collected during June and early July (Tomozei, 2014)

Parasites The bee Nomada ruficornis is a widely reported cleptoparasite of this species (eg Westrich, 1989; Söderman & Leinonen, 2003).

Stubbs (2001) citing Knight (1867), suggests that the bee-fly Bombylius major may be an inquiline in nests of this species.

Pheromones: Pheromone analysis has revealed the presence of E,E-2-ethyl-7me-1,6-dioxaspirodecane; E,E-7-ethyl-2me-1,6-dioxaspirodecane; Z,E-2-ethyl-7me-1,6-dioxaspirodecane; E,Z-7-ethyl-2me-1,6-dioxaspirodecane; 2me7me-1,6-dioxaspiroundecane; 9-2Kt; 2me-7-propyl-1,6-dioxaspirononane; E-2me-1,7-dioxaspirododecane; E,E-8me-2-propyl-1,7-dioxaspiroundecane; 8Ac; E,E-7-butyl-2me-1,6-dioxaspirodecane; E,Z-7-butyl-2me-1,6-dioxaspirodecane; nonan-2-ol; E,E-2,7-dipropyl-1,6-dioxaspirononane; E-2-propyl-1,7-dioxaspiroundecane (mandibular pheromones) (Francke, W., and Reith, W., Bergström, G., and Tengö, J. 1981. Pheromone bouquet of the mandibular glands of Andrena haemorrhoa F. (Hym., Apoidea). Z. Naturforsch. C. 36:928-932). The Dufour's gland secretions include Z,Z-farnesyl hexanoate (Bergström, G., and Tengö, J. 1974b. Studies on natural odoriferous compounds IX. Farnesyl- and geranyl esters as main volatile constituents of the secretion from Dufour's gland in 6 species of Andrena (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Chem. Scripta. 5:28-38.)