Andrena (Andrena) varians (Kirby, 1802)

A univoltine spring pecies: late March or early April to June, exceptionally July.

Parasites and predators: Host of the cleptoparasitic bee species Nomada panzeri (Söderman & Leinonen, 2003; Osytshnjuk, 1977; Osytshnjuk et al., 2005). Radchenko (1981) reports that in eastern Ukraine, the nests of A. varians were parasitised by the bee Nomada ruficornis. On finding an Andrena nest, the Nomada flies to the entrance and determines whether the nest occupant is present. If the Andrena is in the nest, the Nomada female flies to a distance of 5-10 cm from the nest and sits and waits, until the Andrena female leaves the nest.