Andrena (Taeniandrena) similis Smith 1849

A univoltine species: the end of April to late June or July (Dylewska 1987). In the south of Europe the species can be bivoltine.

Parasites The bee Nomada striata is cited as a cleptoparasite of this species (Söderman & Leinonen, 2003; Amiet, 2010).

Pheromones: Pheromone analysis of the mandibular gland secretions has revealed the presence of E,E-2me8me-1,7-dioxaspiroundecane; E,E-2-ethyl-7me-1,6-dioxaspirodecane; Z,E-2me8me-1,7-dioxaspiroundecane; citronellol; geraniol and 23Hy (Bergström, G., Tengö, J., Reith, W., and Francke, W. 1982. Multicomponent mandibular gland secretions in three species of Andrena bees (Hym., Apoidea). Z. Naturforsch. C. 37:1124-1129.).