Andrena (Melandrena) nigroaenea (KIRBY, 1802)

A univoltine species but with a long flight period, extending from late March to the end of May or June, exceptionally into July or even early August (R.C.L. Perkins, 1919g; Else & Edwards, 2018). The species has been reported to be bivoltine in the extreme south of Ukraine, in Crimea (Osytshnjuk 1977). Mavromoustakis (1951; 1954) reports activity in February and March in Cyprus. In Thessaly (Greece), Standfuss et al. (2011) report flight activity from February to June

Parasites The bees Nomada goodeniana, Nomada marshamella and Nomada succincta are cited as a cleptoparasites of this species (Westrich, 1989; Söderman & Leinonen, 2003).

Stubbs (2001) citing Collin (1920), suggests that the bee-fly Bombylius major may be an inquiline in nests of this species.

Pheromones: Pheromone analysis of the Dufour's gland secretions has revealed the presence of Z,Z-farnesyl hexanoate and geranyl hexanoate (Bergström, G., and Tengö, J. 1974b). Studies on natural odoriferous compounds IX. Farnesyl- and geranyl esters as main volatile constituents of the secretion from Dufour's gland in 6 species of Andrena (Hymenoptera, Apidae). (Chem. Scripta. 5:28-38.)