Ceratina (Euceratina) cyanea (Kirby, 1802)

A univoltine but long lived species. Both sexes emerge in April, and may be found until October. There is a peak of abundance of males from May to July and for females in July. (Terzo, 200)

Overwintering is communal, unmated males and females pack into drilled stems, following in the one which made the burrow. I have found up to ten adults in one stem. (Else)

Parasites and predators: An ichneumonid larva (possibly Aritranis bellosa) has been observed in the act of devouring a C. cyanea larva (pers.obs.). In continental Europe, Malyshev (1968) records Aritranis mediterraneus (a species not known from Britain) as a parasitoid of C. cyanea. Daly, Stage & Brown (1967) review the natural enemies of Ceratina species in North America.