Megachile (Eutricharaea) leachella Curtis, 1828

A univoltine species; June to late August (Westrich, 1989; Stanisavljević, 2000; Else & Edwards, 2018)

Parasites and predators: None confirmed for mainland Britain. On the coastal dunes between Deal and Sandwich, east Kent,This species may possibly be host to a small race of the bee Coelioxys mandibularis, but this requires verification. Coelioxys afra is reported as a cleptoparasite in the Channel Islands (Richards, 1979). The chalcid wasp Melittobia acasta (Eulophidae) has been recorded as an important parasitoid of the bee in Danish trap-nests (Holm & Skou, 1972).

Banaszak & Romasenko (1989) additionally cite Coelioxys brevis, Coelioxys elongata, Coelioxys inermis, Coelioxys afra, Dioxoides mandibularis (Megachilinae) as cleptoparasites, and Monodontomerus obsoletus (Torymidae) as a parasite of this species.

Fateryga (2017) reports a male seen flying in Dagestan and the Krasnodar regions of the North Caucasus (Russia) in June.