Osmia (Helicosmia) niveata (Fabricius, 1804)

A univoltine species, on the wing from May to August (Stanisavljević, 2000). On Madeira island the species will fly earlier, being noted from March to May (Fellendorf et al., 1999). Mavromoustakis (1948) reports adult flight activity in April and May in Cyprus. Amiet et al. (2004) give a flight period in Switzerland from the beginning of April to mid-August. Baldock et al. (in prep.) report flight activity in May and June in the Balearic Islands (Spain).

Parasites: The bees Stelis phaeoptera and Stelis punctulatissima (Megachilinae) are cited as cleptoparasites and Sapyga quinquepunctata (Sapygidae) and Chrysis fulgida (Chrysididae) as parasites (Banaszak & Romasenko, 1989). Evidence from trap nesting in UK suggests that the latter association is probably incorrect.