Hylaeus (Hylaeus) communis NYLANDER, 1852

A bivoltine species in parts of its range. In sheltered places in eastern Schleswig-Holstein, this species has a second generation, whereas further north it is single-brooded (Häseler, 1972).

In UK it is univoltine; late May or early June to mid September.

In Finland it flies from late May to mid-September (occasionally into early October) (Söderman & Leinonen, 2003) and in Spain from June to October. (Ornosa & Ortiz-Sánchez, 2004).

Parasites: In the literature, the wasp Sapyga quinquepunctata is cited as a parasite of this species (Pagliano & Scaramozzino, 1999).

Dathe (1980) recognises the subspecies H. communis deceptorius (Benoist 1959) - a taxon endemic to Corsica and Sardinia.