Hoplitis (Hoplitis) adunca (Panzer, 1798)

Distribution; world
Southern, eastern and central Europe and north Africa, north to 60 degrees, and eastwards to central Asia (Medvedeva 1978, Warncke 1992a, Romankova 1995, Scheuchl 1996, Banaszak and Romasenko 2001, Amiet et al. 2004): AL, AD, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, ES-BI, FL, FR, FR-CO, GB, GR, GR-AN, HR, HU, IT, IT-SA, IT-SI, LI, LT, LU, LV, ME, MT, NL, PT, PL, RO, RS, RU, RU-EU, SK, SL, TR, UA, MA, DZ, TN, LY, KZ, TM

Abundance; world
The population size and trends of this species are not known although due to the species' wide distribution and solitary behaviour, it is presumed to have a large population.

Conservation status; world
Conservation status: DE - RDB4 (NT), NL - RDB2 (EN), EU - RDB-LC (Nieto et al, 2014)