Sphecodes ferruginatus VON HAGENS, 1882

Cleptoparasitic: Hosts; A probable cleptoparasite of Lasioglossum fulvicorne (R.C.L. Perkins, 1923; F.K. Stöckhert, 1933; Lomholdt, 1977), and L. fratellum (G M. Spooner, pers. comm.); possibly also L. laticeps and L. pauxillum (both F.K. Stöckhert, 1933; Lomholdt, 1977), and L. rufitarse (Morice, 1889; Lomholdt, 1977; Else & Edwards, 2018)

Celary (1991) lists the following species as possible hosts: Lasioglossum pauxillum, L. fulvicorne, L. laticeps and L. fratellum.