Hylaeus (Hylaeus) nigritus (FABRICIUS, 1798)

Cavity nester: Nests in existing cavities such as in stones (Westrich, 1989). Ornosa & Ortiz-Sánchez (2004) state that the species will also nest in vacated oak galls, and between the stones in stone walls.

Marikovskaya (1990) found a nest in loessic cliff face in Kazakhstan. She noted that a female was caught flying over the surface of a loess cliff and entered a nest which had a diameter of 3mm. The burrow diameter was 3-3.5mm and had a length of 10.5cm. It was slightly bending vertically upwards. At the end of it there are three sealed and one open cell, in which there was a female. The main burrow is not lined, but the cells are made in the form of membranous sacs; first: almost cylindrical, two following: narrowed apically. The stored provisions were quite dense, moist, purple colour, its surface was shaped like a concave meniscus. The length of the cells was 6-7mm with the provision taking up about half its volume.