Osmia (Osmia) cornuta (Latreille, 1805)

Renter: Existing cavities. Dry exposed hollow stems (eg bamboo stems), holes in stones, wall cavities, window locks, insect burrows in the soil (e.g.Anthophora plumipes and A. fulvitarsis), glass tubes; empty snail shells (e.g. of Zonites algirus).

Nesting material:The cell partitions are built from mud or moistened clay or earth. there are 2-10 cells in a completed nest. (Benoist, 1931; Brechtel, 1986; Friese, 1923; Gogala, 1999; Graeffe, 1902; Mavromoustakis, 1948c; Müller et al., 1997; Olifir, 1980; Popovici-Baznosanu, 1909; Stoeckhert, 1933; Tasei, 1973; Vicens, Bosch and Blas, 1993; Westrich, 1989; G. Le Goff, personal obervation)