Osmia (Hoplosmia) scutellaris (MORAWITZ, 1868)

Renter: Existing cavities: The nests are built in burrows in the pith of dead plant stems excavated by other aculeates (e.g. Ceratina) or in dead hollow stems (Friese 1893; Graeffe 1902; Benoist 1931; A. Gogala personal communication; all cited in Müller, 2018). The most important nesting sites are dead stems of Rubus.

Nesting material: Unknown but the material to construct cell partitions and nest plugs is still unknown, but is probably leaf mastic as in closely related species. (Benoist, 1931; Friese, 1893; Graeffe, 1902; A. Gogala, personal communication all cited in Müller, 2018).