Renter: Existing cavities: Hollow stems (e.g. Arundo); abandoned cells of exposed nests of other aculeates (e.g. Sceliphron, Chalicodoma); insect burrows in the soil (e.g. from Anthophora); cavities and holes in rocks, stones, clay scarps or walls; cavities in the ceiling and in walls of a clay cave (unclear whether the females excavated the cavities in the clay or wether they used already existing cavities).
Nesting material: Cell partitions and nest plug are made of masticated plant material. In rock cavities, the nest is built in a similar manner as Hoplitis loti, i.e. the whole cells are constructed with leaf pulp. Cells entirely constructed from leaf pulp were also found side by side or in a linear series in ceiling and wall cavities of an artificial clay cave with the nest surface partially open to the outside. (Ferton, 1897; Malyshev, 1937; Mavromoustakis, 1948; G. Le Goff, personal observation; A. Müller, personal observation)