Megachile (Creightonella) albisecta (Klug, 1817)

Renter: Existing cavities: The females nest in existing cavities in the soil or, possibly by excavating cavities. Reports of nests in dead wood (Benoist 1940) are likely identification errors and in hollow dry stems. The nest is linear, with the cell partitions and the closing plug made of leaf fragments. The nest consists of 3-9 brood cells. (Ferton, 1901; Banaszak & Romasenko,1989). The leaf fragments used in nest construction are irregular and are stuck together with masticated leaf material, and the entire cell rests on a solid plug of masticated leaf pulp mixed with pebbles. The plug consists of circular leaf fragments and pebbles cemented together by masticated leaf pulp.

Nests of M. albisecta do not appear to include resin according to the description by Ferton (1901), although Ferton’s subsequent articles (Ferton 1908: 547) suggest that resin was included in the nest.(Praz, 2017)