Osmia (Pyrosmia) cyanoxantha PÉREZ, 1879

Renter: Exisisting Cavities; Mason. This species appears to use both preexisting cavities and stone surfaces as nesting sites. Preexisting cavities: abandoned cells in exposed nests of Megachile (Chalicodoma) parietina; small cavities and holes in rocks or stones containing mostly 1, rarely up to 4 cells. Exposed nests: upper surface of a stone with 2-3 cells.

Nesting material: Cell partitions are made of chewed leaves intermixed with small pebbles or occasionally of chewed leaves only. The nest plug is made of two to four layers of small pebbles (1-2mm in diameter) cemented together with leaf pulp, its convex surface expanding 2-3mm to the adjacent rock surface. Cells of exposed nests are entirely constructed from very small pebbles cemented together with chewed leaves and eventually covered by an additional layer of the same material. (Benoist, 1931; Ferton, 1901a, 1914, 1920; Mavromoustakis, 1948).