Anthidium (Anthidium) florentinum (FABRICIUS, 1775)

Renter: Existing cavities in a variety of substrata which include: abandoned bee nests (eg Megachile (Chalicodoma)) and insect burrows in the soil, splits and hollows in wood, and clay walls (Stanisavljević, 2000, copying Banaszak & Romasenko,1998).
The nests are usually constructed in a linear fashion (rarely linear-branched). The cells are large, and are made of a cottony mixture of masticated plant fibre and pubescence shaved from stems and leaves. The outer wall surface of the cells is is of a more coarse and friable layer of cotton, but the inner surface is smooth (Banaszak & Romasenko, 1998).

LeGoff (pers.comm) reports that females will collect plant pubescence from Onopordon acanthium (Asteraceae) in July in the Vaucluse, and from Onopordon illyricum and Echinops ritro (Asteraceae) in Aude (FR). The species also harvests cottony pubescences from the lower surface of leaves of Cydonia oblongata (Rosaceae),

Stanisavljević (2000)