Andrena (Plastandrena) nigrospina THOMSON, 1870

Excavator: Ground. In Czechoslovakia it is reported to nest solitarily in sparsely vegetated loamy slopes (Kocourek, 1966).

Writing on his work in Worcestershire, UK, Jukes (2010) states: Nest sites were located on flat surfaces, inclined surfaces, bare surfaces, vegetated surfaces, compacted soils and friable soils. On friable soils nests were constructed amongst the roots of vegetation, presumably to provide stability for excavation. Three nests were excavated to provide information on the internal structure. When encountered on flat ground, the nest entrance can have a small tumulus though this does not appear to be a consistent feature. On inclined slopes, a splayed fan of spoil on the downside of the nest entrance is nearly always present. The nest proper retreats from the entrance by at least 25cm. The vertical depth may be less with one nest being 20cm in “true depth” from the soil surface (Highgate Common). Where the nest was on the side of a track in an inclined slope, it went back near-horizontally for approximately 5cm then descended at a steep, near vertical, angle to deeper soils. The nests appear to have anti-tunnels but no terminal chambers were found. One nest (Highgate Common, 07/07/10) had two medium-sized larvae (+/-10mm long).