Hylaeus (Paraprosopis) pictipes NYLANDER, 1852

Renter: Existing cavities. Nests in existing cavities (eg beetle emergence holes).

Females nest in suitable burrows in the dead, dry stems of Rubus (F. Smith, 1855a [as Prosopis varipes]; Benoist, 1959) and Rosa (F. Smith, 1855a), and in old posts (Harwood, 1884). Series of this bee have been reared from nests constructed in the exit holes of the beetle Anobium punctatum in dead stems of Ulex europaeus, collected at Dungeness, Kent (pers. obs.).

Westrich (1989) also lists holes in clay banks, and gaps in the mortar of houses.

Weissmann et al (2017) state that the species builds nests in pithy stems or uses existing cavities (e.g., hollow twigs, and holes of wood-boring beetles).
holes of wood-boring beetles).