Megachile (Eurymella) patellimana Spinola, 1838

Gess & Roosenschoon (2017) state that the only published mention of the nesting of Megachile patellimana appears to be the statement in Alfken (1934, page 148) that “Als echte Blattschneiderbiene ist auch M. patellimana M. Spin. beobachet worden” [M. patellimana has also been observed as a true leaf-cutting species]. The nesting situation does not seem to have been recorded.

It therefore seems worth recording the fragmentary observations on the nesting of Megachile patellimana in the DDCR where it was observed to be nesting at Tawi Manana in burrows excavated in compacted sand beneath Heliotropium kotschyi plants and at the Camel Farm in burrows excavated in the compacted sand banks of an irrigation furrow. It was not clear whether the burrows had been originated by M. patellimana or were pre-existing. At Tawi Manana a female was captured carrying a piece of cut green leaf (approx. length 10 mm and approx. width 5 mm) and at the Camel Farm a female was captured carrying into a burrow a piece of tough green plastic approximately 10 mm in length cut from a strip 2 mm wide and almost 1 mm in thickness.