Melecta (Melecta) albifrons (Förster, 1771)

Cleptoparasitic: Hosts. A well known cleptoparasite of Anthophora plumipes, having been recovered from cells of this species (e.g. Hallett, 1928; van Lith, 1947). It has also been observed inspecting and entering the nest burrows of Anthophora retusa (F. Smith, 1845c; Morice, 1901; G.M. Spooner, pers. comm.). The larva has been briefly described by Semichon (1922, 1925). The species overwinters as a newly eclosed adult within the sealed cell of its host (Hallett, 1928).

Celary (1990) cites (in addition to Anthophora plumipes (as A. acervorum)), Anthophora parietina and Anthophora fulvitarsis as hosts of this bee.

Mavromoustakis (1948) reports this species entering the nests of A. plumipes (as A. acervorum) in walls of old houses in Yerasa (Cyprus)