Hoplitis (Alcidamea) fulva (Eversmann, 1852)

Renter: Existing cavities in the soil. Nesting site: Nests are built in loess scarps within preexisting cavities, as for example in burrows of other bees (Xylocopa and others) or in natural cavities; the females sometimes excavate their own cavities. The nests contain 6-15 cells, which are glued together or arranged in a linear series. Nesting material: The brood cells are entirely built from chewed leaves of Sophora alopecuroides. The passage running from the cell cavity towards the nest entrance is filled with small packages of coarsely gnawed green leaves and closed by a plug made of mud; sometimes this plug is lacking. (Banaszak & Romasenko, 2001; Marikovskaya, 1968).