Hoplitis (Anthocopa) cypriaca (Mavromoustakis, 1938)

Excavator; Ground. Burrows are excavated in hard soil (4-5cm deep) with up to six ramifications containing 1-3 cells each. Hoplitis (=Osmia) cypriaca nests were found in hard uncultivated soil, in the of the town of Limassol, where Centaurea hyalolepis was growing in abundance. The entrance to the gallery was vertical in direction, but after a depth of about two centimetres the direction changed to radial, the gallery having a depth of four to five centimetres. There, at the bottom of the gallery, the bee constructed one cell with five or six similar cells around it. In one side of the gallery, above one bottom ceil, the bee constructed two more cells (one above the other)(Mavromoustakis, 1954).

Nesting material: The cells are entirely constructed from flowers of Papaver. (Mavromoustakis, 1938; 1954)