Nomada flavopicta (Kirby, 1802)

Cleptoparasitic: Hosts; Melitta leporina, and probably M. haemorrhoidalis and M. tricincta. Celary (1995) additionally lists Melitta nigricans as a host in Poland (all cited in Smit, 2018).

The identity of the host or hosts of this species has caused much speculation over the years and the problem is still largely unresolved. The following summarises possible hosts mainly listed in both the British and Continental literature: Halictus species (F. Smith, 1876; Schmiedeknecht, 1882), Andrena flavipes (Smith, 1876, who observed the Nomada entering second brood burrows of this bee; Richards, 1944), A. argentata (Alfken, 1913, who encountered it at nests of this Andrena; Blüthgen, 1919), A. nigriceps, A. ovatula and A. wilkella (all three cited by Bischoff, 1927), Dasypoda altercator (Blüthgen, 1919), Melitta haemorrhoidalis (Häseler, 1973), M. leporina (Blüthgen, 1919; R.C.L. Perkins, 1931; F.K. Stöckhert, 1933; Yarrow (1941a, b), Guichard & Yarrow, 1948; Tengö & Bergstrom, 1976; Westrich, 1989; C.R. Vardy, pers. comm.; M. Edwards, pers. comm.), and M. tricincta (Westrich, 1989). It has also been found flying with M. dimidiata in a site on Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire, where other possible hosts appeared to be absent (pers. obs.).