Stelis (Stelis) punctulatissima (Kirby, 1802)

Cleptoparasitic: Hosts; In southern England a cleptoparasite of Anthidium manicatum (in the NHML there are two specimens reared from an Essex nest of this species); the Scottish specimens referred toabove were almost certainly cleptoparasites of A. manicatum, because this bee was apparently the only possible host found in that district. Probably also a cleptoparasite in Britain of O. aurulenta (F. Smith, l876) and Osmia leaiana (F. Smith, l876; E. Saunders, l896a; R.C.L. Perkins, l923; Hallett, l928), but this has yet to be confirmed.

The following are cited as host species recorded from elsewhere in Europe: Osmia leaiana (van der Zanden,l955, l982; Peeters, Raemakers & Smit, 1999); O. fulviventris (Jørgensen, l92l; Bischoff, l927; Crèvecoeur, l925; Blüthgen in Schmiedeknecht, l930; F.K. Stöckhert, l933; van der Zanden, l955; Banaszak & Romasenko, 1998); O. aurulenta (Jørgensen, l92l; Banaszak & Romasenko, 1998; Peeters, Raemakers & Smit, 1999); Hoplitis adunca (Banaszak & Romasenko, 1998; Westrich, 1989; Peeters, Raemakers & Smit, 1999) and Anthidium manicatum (Blüthgen, l9l9; Jørgensen, l92l; Crèvecoeur, l925; Blüthgen in Schmiedeknecht, l930; F.K. Stöckhert, l933; Banaszak & Romasenko, 1998); Anthidium oblongatum (Peeters, Raemakers & Smit, 1999); Megachile rotundata (Banaszak & Romasenko, 1998). Larva and cocoon illustrated by Westrich (1989). Westrich additionally mentions that Leininger found a dead female was found in a sealed brood cell of Megachile (Chalicodoma) parietina in 1924.

Stanisavljević (2000) [perhaps copying Banaszan & Romsenko, 1998) cites the following host species:leptoparasite species in nests Hoplitis adunca, Osmia aurulenta, Osmia fulviventris, Anthidium manicatum, Megachile (as Chalicodoma) parietina.

Celary (1989) lists Anthidium manicatum, Osmia fulviventris, Hoplitis adunca, Anthophora furcata and Megachile (Chalicodoma) parietina (as C. muraria) as hosts.

Matache & Ban (2006) list Hoplitis adunca, Osmia aurulenta, O. fulviventris, Anthidium manicatum.