Bombus (Alpinobombus) alpinus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Only a few records of nests exist for this species. 1 was found on sloping ground on Vaccinium - Empetrum heathland in southern Norway. The colony was founded in an abandoned rodent nest situated just below the surface of the ground, the length of the access tunnel being only 2cm long. The nest material was made of fragments of hay with some leaves of Empetrum admixed, partly plastered together with wax. The colony was small with about 30 workers. Other nest sites include an abandoned rodent nest between logs in a cabin, and 20cm below the surface of a heathery mountain plateau (Løken, 1973). In the Alps, a colony consists of 100-150 individuals.

Rasmont (2008) reports that this species will utilise abandoned mammal nests
