Hoplitis (Formicapis) robusta (Nylander, 1848)

Renter; Aerial. Nesting site: Preexisting cavities: insect burrows and drilled borings in dead wood especially in sun-exposed dead wood with vacated beetle burrows. Tetropium castaneum (Cerambycidae) burrows are expolited in Switzerland (Müller & Richter, 2018).

Nesting material: Nests contain 2–6 linearly arranged brood cells and leaf mastic is used in the construction of both cell partitions and nest plug. The nest plug made of masticated leaves, sometimes with small pieces of wood embedded in the leaf matrix. (Clement and Rust, 1975; Frey-Gessner, 1880). This bee species collects nest building material (leaves) from Fragaria vesca (50.95%), Potentilla erecta (43.6%) Alchemilla sp. (5.5%)(Rosaceae)(Müller & Richter, 2018)