Sphecodes puncticeps THOMSON, 1870

Cleptoparasitic: Hosts; Probably a cleptoparasite of several small Lasioglossum species, including L. villosulum (Richards, 1979), and both L. lativentre and L. quadrinotatum (R.C.L. Perkins, 1923, 1924). On the Dorset coast I have found individuals flying with aggregations of L. villosulum and L. angusticeps. In Devon, G.M. Spooner (pers. comm.) has observed the species apparently associating with L. punctatissimum and L. parvulum (Else & Edwards, 2018).

In continental Europe, Bischoff (1927) quotes L. brevicorne and L. villosulum as possible hosts. In Germany, Alfken (1913) found females in the nests of L. fulvicorne and L. nitidiusculum.

Celary (1991) lists the following species as possible hosts: Lasioglossum quadrinotatum, L. lativentre, L. fulvicorne, L. villosulum, L. nitidiusculum, L. quadrinotatulum.