Melitta (Melitta) nigricans ALFKEN, 1905

A narrowly oligolectic species of bee, closely associated with various species of Lythrum (Lythraceae). In Europe, the species visits flowers of Lythrum hyssopifolia, Lythrum junceum, Lythrum salicaria and Lythrum virgatum (Westrich, 1990; Celary, 2005, Michez, 2007).

Michez (2004) states that the species is monolectic on Lythrum salicaria (Lythraceae), but will also visit (probably for nectar):
Senecio inaequidens (Asteraceae); Geranium pratense (Geraniaceae); Epilobium angustifolium (Onagraceae); Odontites luteus (Scrophulariaceae).

Celary (2005)(citing other authors) also lists the following plants as forage sources, presumably for nectar: Campanula rotundifolia (Campanulaceae); Geranium pratense (Geraniaceae); Cirsium arvense, Picris hieracioides (Asteraceae). Males also sporadically gather nectarat Chanaenerion angustifolium (Onagraceae).

In Lithuania the species has been observed nectaring at Solidago virgaurea and Leontodon autumnalis (Asteraceae)(Monsevicius, 1995), and in Ukraine and Slovakia it has been recorded visiting Trifolium (Fabaceae)(Osychnyyuk 1967; Ruszkowski et al, 1988)