Oligolectic on yellow-flowered Asteraceae, including Hieracium (R.C.L.Perkins, 1923) and Hypochoeris radicata (Munster-Swendsen, 1968). Females may be locally monolectic (Munster-Swendsen, 1968). An absolute minimum of 8000 forage plants per day is required for 170 females from one Danish nesting aggregation (Munster-Swendsen, 1970).
Other Asteraceae visited (possibly also for pollen) include Senecio, Leontodon and Sonchus. Males also visit yellow -flowered Asteraceae.
Pekkarinen (1998) (citing various authors) states that on the island of Ă–land (Sweden), this species is a narrow oligolege of Hypochoeris radicata (Asteraceae).