Andrena (Plastandrena) tibialis (KIRBY, 1802)

Polylectic: females foraging from Ranunculus (Ranunculaceae); Acer (Aceraceae); Prunus cultivars(Rosaceae) and Salix (Salicaceae)(Chambers, 1968). Spooner (1930) also claims to have observed pollen gathering from Crataegus (Rosaceae). Other flower visting records (possibly only nectar sources) exist for Brassica (Brassicaceae); Rhamnus catharticus (Rhamnaceae); Ribes (Grossulariaceae); Tussilago farfara and Taraxacum (Asteraceae)(Falk, 1991).

Kocourek (1966) describes the species as being an important pollinator of commercial crops of Prunus and Malus (Rosaceae) on the Continent.

Tomozei (2001-2) reports visits to Malus (Rosaceae) and Taraxacum (Asteraceae).

E. Sjödin (pers. comm.) reports finding the bee on Ribes cristatus (Grossulariaceae) in the most southern parts of Sweden (Skane).

Tomozei & Radchenko (2015) state that it is polylectic, and the females forage on: Rosaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Salicaceae, Brassicaceae, Asteraceae, Apiaceae, Papaveraceae and Hypericaceae. It is known as one of the main pollinators of fruit crops.