Andrena (Tarsandrena) tarsata NYLANDER, 1848

Oligolectic: Chambers (1968) detected Potentilla erecta and Filipendula (as Spiraea) ulmaria (Rosaceae) in pollen loads he analysed. He also observed the species visiting Potentilla anglica (Rosaceae) presumably for pollen (Chambers, 1949). According to R.C.L. Perkins (1919g) it also flies to Calluna vulgaris (Ericaceae) and Rubus (Rosaceae) but it is not known if it visits these for pollen. There is also a Campanula rotundifolia record (Campanulaceae) (G.M.Spooner, pers. comm.).

In Germany, strictly oligolectic on Potentilla (Rosaceae) (Westrich, 1989).

Finnish flower records are of Potentilla reptans, Potentilla erecta, Potentilla atrosanguinea, Potentilla argentea and Potentilla palustris (Rosaceae) (Söderman & Leinonen, 2003). Pekkarinen (1998) lists Potentilla, Rubus and Sorbaria (Rosaceae) as the pollen sources in Finland.

Tomozei & Radchenko (2015), citing others state that the species is oligolectic on Potentilla (Rosaceae) species (Potentilla cinerea, Potentilla erecta, Potentilla fruticosa) (Peeters and Reemer 2003), but it is also found on Orobanchaceae (Melampyrum nemorosum) (Osytshnjuk 1977). In Finland, it has been recorded on the flowers of 12 species (Elfving 1968), in the former Czechoslovakia it was recorded visiting flowers of many species from different families (Kocourek 1966), and in England pollen was found from the females of Potentilla erecta and Filipendula ulmaria (Chambers 1968).

The males have been found on Crataegus sp. (Rosaceae) and Calluna sp. (Ericaceae) (Dylewska and Bąk 2005, Warncke 1981).