Megachile (Eutricharaea) apicalis SPINOLA, 1808

A polylectic species with a strong preference for Asteraceae.

Westrich (1989) observed M. apicalis collecting pollen on Asteraceae, Fabaceae and Apiaceae

Mavromustakis (1948; 1951; 1952; 1960) lists Marrubium vulgare apolum (Lamiaceae); Rubus ulmifolius anatolicus (Rosaceae); Centaurea cilicica, Carlina lanata, Carthamus boissieri, Dittrichia (=Inula) viscosa, Centaurea hyalolepis, Cirsium chamaepeuce camptolepis (Asteraceae); Myrtus communis (Myrtaceae); Echium sericeum (Boraginaceae) Marrubium vulgare apolum (Lamiaceae) and Limonium (=Statice) virgata (Plumbaginaceae) as forage source in Cyprus (citing under the synonym Megachile dimidiativentris and M. apicalis).

Banaszak & Romasenko (1989), copied by Stanisavljević (2000), list Carduus, Centaurea, Senecio, Matricaria (Asteraceae) and Medicago, Lotus and Coronilla (Fabaceae) as forage sources.

Composition of scopal pollen contents were studied by Zander (1935). He showed that in a sample of 30 specimens of M. apicalis, the pollen loads were Centaurea jacea type 68.6%, Serratula type 7.6%% pther Asteraceae 2.3%, Lamiaceae 10.7%, Fabaceae 6.8%, Brassicaceae 2.5%, Resedaceae 0.8%, Mimosaceae 0.2%