Nomada nobilis HERRICH-SCHÄFFER, 1839

As this is a cleptoparasitic species, all flower visits will be for nectar only.

Label data (Petanidou, 1994) shows visitation to the following plant species on Lesvos and in Attiki (Greece): Lamium amplexicaule ssp. amplexicaule, Prasium majus, Lavandula stoechas (Lamiaceae); Muscari neglectum (Asparagaceae);Gagea granatelli (Liliaceae); Asphodelus aestivus, Asphodelus ramosus, (Asphodelaceae); Anthyllis hermanniae (Fabaceae); Calendula arvensis (Asteraceae), Cistus salvifolius (Cistaceae), Echium angustifolium (Boraginaceae); Sinapis alba (Brassicaceae).

Burger & Reder (2018) report visitation to Vicia villosa and an unspecified species of Vicia (Fabaceae) in Germany