Colletes halophilus Verhoeff, 1944

Broadly oligolectic on Asteroideae and Cichorioideae (Asteraceae): Nest cells that have been investigated have mainly been provisioned with Aster tripolium pollen (O'Toole, pers. comm), but the species is possibly more widely oligolectic on certain Asteraceae, as it is in Germany. Proven pollen sources include Sonchus arvensis, Picris hieracioides (Westrich, 1989).

The species is recorded as visiting Diplotaxis tenuifolia (Brassicaceae), in Belgium (N. Vereecken, pers. com), presumably for nectar.

Müller & Kuhlmann (2008) list as pollen sources: Asteroideae and Cichorioideae (Asteraceae), Brassicaceae and Fabaceae based on 27 pollen loads from 15 different localities.