Andrena (Margandrena) marginata FABRICIUS, 1777

Oligolectic: This species is generally associated with various Scabious species - Knautia arvensis, Scabiosa columbaria and Succisa pratensis (Dipsacaceae) (Pesenko in Banaszak, 1995) - all of which are presumed to be pollen sources.

In Ireland it is reported to visit only Succisa pratensis (Stelfox, 1927). However, in England, it is also known to collect pollen from Rubus, Spiraea ulmaria (Rosaceae) and Epilobium (Onagraceae) (Chambers, 1968).

Finnish pollen sources are reported as: Knautia arvensis, Scabiosa columbaria and Succisa pratensis (Dipsacaceae). There is also a record of a flower visit to Thymus serpyllum (Lamiaceae)(Söderman & Leinonen, 2003). Pekkarinen (1998) lists only Knautia (Dipsacaceae) as a pollen source in Finland.

Tomozei (2014, citing others, states that the bee is strongly associated in Central Europe with Succisa pratensis, Knautia arvensis and Scabiosa columbaria (Dipsacaceae). However, in Eastern Europe (Ukraine) and European Russia, it was also found on Dipsacus laciniatus, Cephalaria uralensis and Scabiosa ochroleuca, while in Central Asia (Turkmenistan) it was found on Scabiosa isatensis. This species also forages on Rubus, Spirea ulmaria (Rosaceae); Epilobium sp. (Onagraceae); Leontodon, Tanacetum vulgare (Asteraceae) and Jasione montana (Campanulaceae)(Osytshnjuk 1977, Dylewska 1987).