Andrena (Larandrena) ventralis Imhoff, 1832

Strongly oligolectic on various species of Salix (Salicaceae). The following species are listed as pollen sources: Salix caprea, Salix cinerea, Salix purpurea, Salix viminalis and Salix triandra . There is also a record of a visit to Spiraea salicifolia (Rosaceae).(Westrich, 1989).

Tomozii et al (2016) state that the species is polylectic, in that it prefers to forage upon a wide range of flowering plants species. It prefers Salix, but is able to use the pollen of other plants too (cf. Westrich 1989). The females visit flowers of Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Rosaceacae, Ranunculaceae, Salicaceae and Euphorbiaceae. It is known as a good pollinator of fruit tree